Microneedling with PRF

Microneedling with PRF is the best natural skin rejuvenation option for people who want better skin tone, smoother texture, & reduction of wrinkles and fine lines. It can lighten brown spots, stimulate thicker hair, smoothen acne scars, improve under eye texture, and overall brighter looking skin.

What is Microneedling with PRF?

Microneedling involves the use of a handheld device covered in very small, sterile needles that pierce the skin to a shallow depth. In turn, this triggers your body's own regenerative processes, resulting in newly created collagen and elastin. Collagen is the component of your skin that gives it much of its bulk and structure, while elastin gives your skin that "snap back" effect when stretched. Over the course of the following weeks after your microneedling treatment session, your skin will go through a healing process and your body will begin creating new skin cells to replace old, damaged ones.

PRF (platelet rich fibrin) is the newest type of regenerative medicine that uses your own blood to rejuvenate skin. It can be used as an injection to improve specific areas such as the crepey skin in the undereyes. PRF is an excellent skin rejuvenation treatment in its own right, but it's made even more powerful when combined with a microneedling treatment.

Microneedling with PRF has been proven to revitalize the skin on multiple levels by promoting cellular repair and the causing the creation of new collagen and elastin. Treatments are quick, non-invasive, low-pain, and require short recovery times.

What To Expect

On the day of treatment, please arrive with no face makeup as you will have a topical numbing agent applied prior to treatment. Next, you will get your blood drawn to extract the PRF. Once you are cleaned and ready, your practitioner will carefully place your PRF onto your skin and move the microneedling device over the face or scalp (for hair restoration) in a series of passes. Each sweep of this device creates thousands of microscopic punctures in the surface of your skin, triggering your body's restorative processes.

Learn More About Our Microneedling with PRF

What is the difference between PRF vs PRP?

You may have heard of PRP (platelet rich plasma), but PRF is a bit different and uses a newer technology to create longer lasting effects. With PRF, the use of the centrifuge creates a plasma made up of a fibrin scaffold that can be injected into the area being treated. Fibrin is a substance that slows down the release of growth factors, which aid in boosting collagen and elastin. It is also important to note these growth factors remain working for up to one week to rejuvenate your skin, which is superior to PRP's growth factors that only lasts a few hours.

Is there any downtime?

Most people undergoing microneedling with PRF are able to return to work or normal activities right away. You will likely experience some minor skin redness that appears similar to a mild sunburn. This normally fades away within a few hours to a day or two at the most. You can wear makeup to cover any redness or bruising after 24 hours.

How many treatments will I need?

We recommend a series of 3 treatments for facial rejuvenation spaced 1 month apart. If for acne scars, we recommend 5 treatments. Maintenance is done every 6-12 months.

When will I see results?

Most patients will see signs of improvement after 1 week. Since it takes collagen 4-6 weeks to form, many patients will notice a more dramatic result at that point.

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